A sadistic abductor and child killer, who masquerades as a Clown, known as The Grabber has taken a young boy and imprisoned him, inside his cell is a black phone, which somehow links him up with previous victims.
This film isn't going to be for everyone, it is such a bleak and macabre story, some may find it upsetting, it has a similar feel to IT, the original that is. That said, it is very original, tense and loaded with suspense, if you're into it you'll have so many questions, and you'll want to know the outcome. Maybe some of it's ambiguous, but that is on the film's favour I think.
The Grabber is almost an iconic villain, that hideous mask, the hat and general appearance, there's definitely a vibe of The Child catcher about him, he is played to perfection by Ethan Hawke, he is a daunting presence.
The youngsters are all terrific, there is a lot of talent on show here, Mason Thames, who played Finn was terrific, what a future ahead.
Well worth a look, 8/10.