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Version 1.01
Updated to work for Daggerfall Unity 10.25
Added 24 more Skyshard (for a total of 192), most of which can be found in more easier to find locations
Tweaked the size of the lightbeam to make the Skyshard easier to see from a distance
Optimized the graphics and code for better performance
Adds 192 Skyshards scattered around the world. For each third that you find and activate, you gain a +1 ability bonus (Strength, Intelligence, Agility, etc...) in a pre-determined order. All Skyshards are located outside; some close to civilization, others are far of in the wilderness.
You can find your first shard outside Privatee'r hold.
Skyshards emit a strong blue light which makes them easier to spot at night They also emit a sound that can be heard from quite a distance.
Climbing is a very useful skill with this mod. When arriving at a new location, find the highest structure and use it to survey your surroundings.
Compatibility: No known compatibility issue with other mods Requires Daggerfall for Unity 10.25
Installation instructions:
Download the correct version that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
Copy the "daggerfall skyshards.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"