Hey all,
Throughout the weekend, we’ve been monitoring player feedback concerning the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item:
[quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does not guarantee an Exotic reward upon completing a set number of activities – but rather increased chances upon each activity completion.[/b][/quote]
[b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for Exotics when using Three of Coins consumables, compared to Vanguard Strikes. We’re looking to address this with a future Hotfix, expected in early 2018.
We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming!
Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional feedback items that we’re looking to address in the future. Stay tuned.
I used to get about 1 exotic a day and then I have used 3 of C the past 2 days and I haven’t gotten one. They probably meant to tell you that you’re spending legendary shards to receive 50% less of a chance to get an exotic. It’s an absolute scam.
3 of Duns they should of called As I’ve used 3 of these -blam!-ers & got jack shit for my effort
Изменено (Rhulks Toes): 3/30/2018 11:31:46 PMI know at this point everybody is probably way past the point of caring anymore, but I decided to pick Destiny 2 back up because of their "big update". They claimed to be fixing things for the better and taking community feedback, and while they can make the game a bit more fast paced, can they work on their littler issues too? Obviously not. After all this time away from this game, I went back to test three of coins again, and big surprise, they still don't work. I equipped one just to see, which by common knowledge lasts 4 hours, and within the whole time of doing public events, strikes, etc. nothing at all. The whole time I was farming and getting zero results I was thinking about how much I was missing out on by popping that 3oc. Bungie claims that they are working properly with a 50% chance increase, but in reality they're just doing the opposite of what they're supposed to and cancelling out any drops at all. You know what's funny? I counted down my timer to the exact minute of my booster ending, did a single public event, and got an exotic right away. If that isn't proof enough combined with other people's stories of the same exact thing, I don't know what is. To think about all the time I wasted, all the shards I wasted on them, and all the exotics I could have been getting? But didn't? Its depressing and unfair. Just because your items are misleading? Take them out of the game or simply fix them. If you're a big game company and something is malfunctioning it's your job to go in and set things straight. But what are you doing? Sitting back with your dicks out not caring while all these problems spill over. I wanted to play Destiny 2 again after a break and realize that it deserved another chance, but I was yet again disappointed. Such a "step forward" for the combat system, but no easy fix that should've happened long ago for an item that should increase discovery but is actually decreasing it? You guys need to prioritize, you can't put out 3 of coins, and start working on other stuff while they are still bugged. How hard is it to change some percentage numbers versus crank out a new dlc? You guys are professionals at this, you nailed the original Destiny and proved to us that you're capable. What's happening now?
has this been fixed yet?
Anyone else feel like exotic drops in general is reduced? I'm getting noticeably less exotic drops. I feel like the regular drop rate was reduced and the introduction of the three of coins is intended to bring it back to normal.
Does that mean you chance gets larger every time you complete an event, building up your chances of an exotic drop. Do all the event have to be the same? Once the exotic drops does it reset or is it spent? If your chances do get larger is there a cap? Does changing activities or worlds, or changing location or server effect any of this. Like do I have to let the timer in between crucibles and strike playlist or can I jump to orbit without it resetting? Since the release of the expansion I have earned two exotics I did not already have, in the first day or so, and purchased two from xur. I play a lot and would much rather earn my exotics rather than buy them each week.
Still not useful, 3oC is a waste of shards. They worked way better in D1
Honestly instead of complaining about the game, then just don't play it. I admit bungie had their mistakes and are taking care of them as fast as they can but with all the constant crying about things that are innocent in nature of the programming are slowing content to the people that is sitting back and taking the game for what it is now. Go play another game or better yet go outside and do something productive.
There is a distinct difference between acting like spoiled children throwing a tantrum and offering up constructive criticism. Does Destiny 2 have issues that need to be resolved? Yes. However screaming at CMs, cursing them out, calling the company incompetent, none of that offers anything of value to the conversation. Most of the posts I've seen sound more like spoiled children than supposed adults offering feedback.
Изменено (SethRoganHD): 12/19/2017 10:31:26 PMSeriously? Early 2018. Like many have already said, if this had any positive effect that you didn’t intend for players, you would’ve had it fixed yesterday. I held out hope for you guys through all of this shit. Self inflicted shit at that. You guys shoot yourself in the foot at every turn you take due to one simple misconception. You all apparently think that your customers are brain dead morons who are incapable of doing simple math or even noticing that it’s pretty impossible to get an exotic at this point. Not that it really matters seeing as how the exotics are of no consequence anymore. You’re just wrapped up in shitty business practices and how you can ‘’monetize the game and progression system in the long term”. This is the -blam!-ing opposite of player retention. No one wants anything to do with this game anymore because you can’t figure out what bullshit story you’re going to feed to the player base on any given day. I don’t think you guys have any clue what’s happening outside of ‘eververse, bright engrams, MONEYYYY’. That’s all the folks at bungie care about. You hemorrhage more players every day because you don’t care about the consumer anymore. I tried Curse of Osiris as one final chance for you guys out of respect to you as the team who brought me D1 Y3. And that campaign fit for a 5 year old put a terrible taste in my mouth. This is why I stopped playing and supporting your game and I genuinely hope many more do the same. This behavior does not deserve a player base. Hell you guys don’t deserve to call yourselves bungie anymore. At least put ‘a division of activision’ on the end so people know how you’re going to treat them. I hope you ride the eververse all the way to the ground. Goodbye. All you guys replying to this defending bungie make me laugh. I’m not going to dignify that with a response to any of you personally, but I will say that trying to invalidate someone’s argument and putting words in their mouth is pathetic at this point. On top of that, it’s not an argument. It’s all fact. You guys are why we have this gaping shit hole of a game so by all means, keep trying to push my buttons and defending bungie. You’re just gonna be the last ones off. No different , no better than the rest of us. Peace guardians.
[quote]Hey all, Throughout the weekend, we’ve been laughing at you suckers still buying our products, we watched some YouTube vid about the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item: It doesn't do a thing. The dev team told me something along the lines of "git gud" [quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 0% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does nothing hahaha[/b][/quote] [b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for just tokens, this will be fixed sometime within the next DLC or so. We will continue to laugh and count your money throughout the holiday season (make sure to grab the all new restocked eververse emotes including snow angels!!) Keep the silver $ coming! Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional exp sources that we’re looking to remove in the future Stay tuned suckers. Cheers, -dmg04[/quote]
Изменено (Hardcore_Uproar): 12/20/2017 11:09:46 AMUtter bullshit. I used one of these boosters in two and a half hours of doing adventures and public events .. nothing. Used one while running normal strikes for about an hour and a half .. nothing. I used to get an exotic about every twenty public events or so, have run about fifty and .. nothing. You lot are so incompetent if you fell out of a boat you would miss the water. You lied about the Auto Rifle buff in D1, you lied about the recent XP buff and then when you were caught you just doubled the amount of XP need to get one of your bright crapgrams. Exotic drops were stealth nerfed. Prometheus Lens was broken. 3oC are clearly not working and oh, Ikora has a permanent marker on her. Can you do anything right outisde of milking the gullible you manipulate to buy your re-skinned tat from Eververse ?? Your game has been on sale here in the UK at least three times and is now headlining the PSN store in a desperate effort to raise sales. I bought it on pre order as I thought no game could be shallower at launch than D1, more fool me. I have just deleted my characters and this abomination from my hard drive. Its 30fps, laggy, cringy money grabbing presence on my hard drive offends me. Just the gullible few left now to milk Bungie and when this turd of a franchise hits the bowl with a large splash very soon I will laugh my ass off.
Изменено (Ze Ghomst): 12/20/2017 7:45:12 PMLove how the most constructive comment is one that has 51 replies all dissing on it wow shows the amount of 12 yr olds on Destiny... also congrats bungie on being truthful with the community even if they don't understand.
Изменено (Beep Beep Richie): 12/21/2017 1:46:58 AMThank you for letting us know what is wrong with it! I know people don't realize or even acknowledge it's easier to play a game than to make one. You are doing a great job and I, as well as my whole clan, love everything you're doing and then some! Don't let the salt leave a bad taste in your mouth!
Wow, this is crazy. I constantly feel like a beta tester for your game. Oh, and take eververse and shove it. I hate how all these Dawning activities force me back to eververse. I feel like all this RNG gambling is being pushed in my face.
So sad this post is below tons of remove Eververse rants I love it speaks volumes
I'm sorry, but this is straight up bull. Everyone knows it is broken. Virtually nobody is getting exotics while using it. You can say how it is supposed to work all you want. That doesn't mean it works. And how you guys came up with this specific statement about strikes, yet don't have anything to say about it giving no exotics in public events, I will never understand. Every single person I've talked to in my clan and online have said the same thing. And to the people saying it works in Crucible or whatever, sure, it may work in specific activities. But it certainly shouldn't hurt your chances in others. My clan mates and I have actually gotten exotics from patrols while using it, but not a single one from public events, which echoes pretty much what everyone is saying.
This is funny cause i fell like the real issue isn't three of coins its the Tess Everess Live event going on right now
I don’t understand why anyone would use these in lower level content. People should just use 3oC in the raid for an insane increase in drop rate as opposed to Vanguard Strikes. The last time I used it in the Leviathan I got two Exotics instead of one from my three locked chests. It’s better to think about when you should use them instead of blindly wasting shards.
Funny thing is that there are still people that defend bungee. My god just read the sycophantic replies "I like this guy" "wow thanks for the communication! " Morons
Изменено (Louise Belcher): 12/21/2017 12:02:06 AMand base chance = what - .005%? #bigwhoop supergoodadvice: tell the @!#$$wits to give us back the stacking increase per major/ultra kill until an exotic is awarded. taking that away is the problem. nobody cares about a 4hr buff that doubles an infinitessimal value. we are not idiots.
Dear Bungie, Marathon /out Bye
-blam!-ing morons. Absolute incompetent -blam!-ing morons. Not ONE thing has gone right with D2 and you guys are looking to carry that tradition into the new year. Put in a "new" feature but, surprise surprise, it doesn't work like it's supposed to. You were able to nerf the Prometheus lens super fast but this issue with the three of coins will take a back seat in terms of bug fixes. Not to mention your RNG STILL sucks. The fact that I've gotten 4 exotic engrams in the past couple weeks and ALL of them decrypted into the SAME -blam!-ING ITEM....Armor. Cheers to the new year you -blam!-s. Let's hope some of you get a clue or get gifted a brain this holiday season.
Изменено (MARS (Adept)): 12/19/2017 5:28:25 PMI bet if Eververse was broken and Bungie was losing money, it would be fixed in 1 hour. Edit: Fixed it for all you saying that Bright Dust is free. It’s understood it may drop, but the whole point is fixing end game where folks have spent shards on broken 3OC’s
blah-blah-blah we don't test our Destiny 2 early alpha - you test it because we don't give a shit. gamble our eververse and we will bring you the new eververse to gamble yeah we know it is another bug after previous bug after previous bug but we don't care at all