To install Memoria on Steam Deck / Linux, execute this command in the Konsole / terminal
bash -c "$(curl -sL"
For Mac, the mod has been reported to work using Crossover with 32 bit bottles, with Windows 7 and .NET framework 4.7.2
If you meet some problems to download from Mod Manager, you can download it through ModDB:
Other recommended mods from the Mod Manager
You can still download the old version, which has the same updates as 9.0 but with v8.3 backgrounds (Moguri Mod 2020 in the list)
30 fps FMVs and the soundtrack are also available from Memoria's catalog
Playstation Sounds restores sound effects from the PSX version
(For veterans) Alternate Fantasy adds difficulty, restores cut scenes and adds Beatrix as a playable character
Game translations exist in Brazilian-Pt, Ukrainian and Russian
You need FFIX on Steam and about 5GB of space
If you have Moguri 8, just install on top and disable it in the Mod Manager
Memoria/Moguri install/uninstall doesn't affect your save
More settings are available in the file Memoria.ini
More information in SUPPORT
Changes in Moguri 9 2024-08-11
Update to Moguri itself (by Snouz)
Upscale re-rendered of all backgrounds, aided by Stable Diffusion, mixed with the original result
Full rework of battle backgrounds (re-render, re-stitching, re-mood)
Redrawing of many layer edges
Improvements of most lights
Animated textures upscaled on Monsters/NPC
Rework of some FMVs
Many visual bugfixes (battles, backgrounds...)
Features from Memoria since last updated (Mainly by Tirlititi, SamsamTS, Snouz, DV, Albeoris, Barkermn01, FakeEric...)
Last update of Moguri was May 2021, here are some of the major features that have been developed in Memoria since then.
High framerate (60fps or more, recently overhauled)
Mod manager/downloader, new launcher
Many new options in Memoria.ini and directly in the launcher
Non-gridded camera and camera stabilizer
Custom fonts
PSX battle UI, dynamic mode
Anti-aliasing, texture filtering
New audio engine
Triple Triad/Tetra Triad/lower randomness card modes
New cheats
16:10 widescreen support, much more backgrounds supported
UI improvements (instant open/load, more items/abilities on screen)
More controller support (DS4, DS5, Switch)
Much cleaner layer edges with 3D objects
Many many new modding possibilities (textures, SFX, Statuses, playable characters, voices...)
Turbo dialog/combat with R1
Model viewer
Experimental model shaders
Disc change images
Some Important bugs that were fixed in/by Memoria
That infamous occasional crash at the end of the game
Turn-based fixes
Many many fixes to widescreen
Restored some hidden layers (never seen before)
Fixed many backgrounds cropped layers, animations, lights
Battle texture problems
Many fixes are for bugs in vanilla (2016), and even some for the original PSX game. There are many more undocumented or minor bugfixes that you can check on the github
Previous changelogs - Memoria update
Fix for the steam overlay missing
Support Borderless Fullscreen
Increase limit of some script objects
switching X and O by default. - hotfix
Fixed win32 error on launch in some installs
Replaced Garnet font with more faithful Alexandria font
Fixed offset of effects in combat
8.2.0 - 2020-08-18
Compatible with 2020-08-06 steam update
Orchestral music correctly looped
Endgame music debugged
Crash at the end (airship video) fixed in most cases
Videos sound re-synced
Videos cutting too soon fixed
Videos fixes
A number of visual inconsistencies, glitches & unfinished upscales fixed
Some installation problems for assets files (checksum error) fixed
A set of bugfixes by Tirlititi (reflect sound...)
Almost all backgrounds are displayed in full (about 170 added)
No more micro-scrolling on 54 screens that are 8px larger than a 16/9 screen
New launcher with all relevant options
File structure change: everything is contained in folders inside the game directory
Much better sound quality by default (44kHz)
8.0.1 - 2020-05-26
Fixed : almost all visual glitches
Redrawing of all layer edges (all 11000+)
Cleaner / sharper graphics (all 6000+)
Better & cleaner lighting (all 1400+)
Countless manual image doctoring
Manually redrawn some parts (some partially based on portfolio images by Wesley Cann & Behrooz Roozbeh)
Background animations better integrated
Several bugs from the Steam & PSX versions fixed: screenshots
Recreated all places names with original fonts (for English and French, rest to follow)
Seamless scrolling skies & backgrounds, removed 'staircase' edges
Recreated baked in textures NPCs: screenshot
30fps FMVs (credit: Lykon)
Contextual videos: color correction and smoother transitions
Background objects
HD background 3D objects
HD NPC (with exceptions)
HD worldmap textures (upscaled and manually redone, mostly seamless and faithful)
Subtly moving sea
HD worlmap items (ships...) textures
HD monsters (with exceptions)
HD battlefields with redrawn edges (exceptions for animated textures)
Seamless skies
Fixed missing monster death sounds (credit: Tirlititi)
Recreated faithful HD maps
Recreated Start menu and game over screens
Character portraits edges
More options in installer
(optional) faithful font: Alexandria by Teaito screenshot
Memoria fixes
Random encounter crashes fix
Problematic fields excluded from widescreen
Widescreen battle animations offset fix
Area names are now in the correct language
Curse & Chakra mechanics
Music and sounds adjustments
Tetra Master fix
Occasional missing Steam overlay/achievements fix
Uninstalling doesn't cause double names
7.0.1 - 2019-02-13
Fixed : launcher updater
Fixed : orchestral music not looping
7.0 - 2019-02-09
Added a real installer
Added optional orchestral music
6.0 - 2019-02-01
Sharper / cleaner graphics
Battlefields upscale
5.0 - 2019-01-26
Fixed : various visual glitches