* This file is part of Dune Legacy.
* Dune Legacy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dune Legacy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dune Legacy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <FileClasses/Pakfile.h>
#include <misc/exceptions.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <SDL_endian.h>
#include <SDL.h>
/// Constructor for Pakfile
The PAK-File to be read/write is specified by the pakfilename-parameter. If write==false the file is opened for
read-only and is closed in the destructor. If write==true the file is opened write-only and written out in the
\param pakfilename Filename of the *.pak-File.
\param write Specified if the PAK-File is opened for reading or writing (default is false).
Pakfile::Pakfile(const std::string& pakfilename, bool write)
: write(write), fPakFile(nullptr), filename(pakfilename), writeOutData(nullptr), numWriteOutData(0) {
if(write == false) {
// Open for reading
if( (fPakFile = SDL_RWFromFile(filename.c_str(), "rb")) == nullptr) {
THROW(std::invalid_argument, "Pakfile::Pakfile(): Cannot open " + pakfilename + "!");
try {
} catch (std::exception&) {
} else {
// Open for writing
if( (fPakFile = SDL_RWFromFile(filename.c_str(), "wb")) == nullptr) {
THROW(std::invalid_argument, "Pakfile::Pakfile(): Cannot open " + pakfilename + "!");
/// Destructor
Closes the filehandle and releases all memory.
if(write == true) {
// calculate header size
int headersize = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fileEntries.size(); i++) {
headersize += 4;
headersize += fileEntries[i].filename.length() + 1;
headersize += 4;
// write out header
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fileEntries.size(); i++) {
Uint32 startoffset = SDL_Swap32(fileEntries[i].startOffset + headersize);
Uint32 startoffset = fileEntries[i].startOffset + headersize;
SDL_RWwrite(fPakFile,(char*) &startoffset,sizeof(Uint32),1);
SDL_RWwrite(fPakFile,fileEntries[i].filename.c_str(), fileEntries[i].filename.length() + 1,1);
Uint32 tmp = 0;
SDL_RWwrite(fPakFile,(char*) &tmp, sizeof(Uint32), 1);
// write out data
if(fPakFile != nullptr) {
if(writeOutData != nullptr) {
writeOutData = nullptr;
numWriteOutData = 0;
/// Returns the name of the nth file in this pak-File.
Returns the name of the nth file in this pak-File. index specifies which file.
\param index Index in pak-File
\return name of the file specified by index
const std::string& Pakfile::getFilename(unsigned int index) const {
if(index >= fileEntries.size()) {
THROW(std::invalid_argument, "Pakfile::getFilename(%ud): This Pakfile has only %ud entries!", index, fileEntries.size());
return fileEntries[index].filename;
/// Adds a file to this PAK-File
This methods adds the SDL_RWop File to this PAK-File. The used name is specified by filename. If the Pakfile
is read-only this method has no effect.
\param rwop Data to add (the SDL_RWop can be read-only but must support seeking)
\param filename This is the filename the data is added with
void Pakfile::addFile(SDL_RWops* rwop, const std::string& filename) {
if(write == false) {
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::addFile(): Pakfile is opened for read-only!");
if(rwop == nullptr) {
THROW(std::invalid_argument, "Pakfile::addFile(): rwop==nullptr is not allowed!");
size_t filelength = static_cast<size_t>(SDL_RWsize(rwop));
char* extendedBuffer;
if((extendedBuffer = (char*) realloc(writeOutData,numWriteOutData+filelength)) == nullptr) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
} else {
writeOutData = extendedBuffer;
if(SDL_RWread(rwop,writeOutData + numWriteOutData,1,filelength) != filelength) {
// revert the buffer to the original size
char* shrinkedBuffer;
if((shrinkedBuffer = (char*) realloc(writeOutData,numWriteOutData)) == nullptr) {
// shrinking the buffer should not fail
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::addFile(): realloc failed!");
writeOutData = shrinkedBuffer;
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::addFile(): SDL_RWread failed!");
PakFileEntry newPakFileEntry;
newPakFileEntry.startOffset = numWriteOutData;
newPakFileEntry.endOffset = numWriteOutData + filelength - 1;
newPakFileEntry.filename = filename;
numWriteOutData += filelength;
/// Opens a file in this PAK-File.
This method opens the file specified by filename. It is only allowed if the Pakfile is opened for reading.
The returned SDL_RWops-structure can be used readonly with SDL_RWread, SDL_RWsize, SDL_RWseek and SDL_RWclose. No writing
is supported. If the Pakfile is opened for writing this method returns nullptr.<br>
NOTICE: The returned SDL_RWops-Structure is only valid as long as this Pakfile-Object exists. It gets
invalid as soon as Pakfile:~Pakfile() is executed.
\param filename The name of this file
\return SDL_RWops for this file
SDL_RWops* Pakfile::openFile(const std::string& filename) {
if(write == true) {
// reading files is not allowed
return nullptr;
// find file
int index = -1;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<fileEntries.size();i++) {
if(filename == fileEntries[i].filename) {
index = i;
if(index == -1) {
return nullptr;
// alloc RWop
SDL_RWops *pRWop;
if((pRWop = SDL_AllocRW()) == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// alloc RWopData
RWopData* pRWopData = new RWopData();
pRWopData->curPakfile = this;
pRWopData->fileOffset = 0;
pRWopData->fileIndex = index;
pRWop->read = Pakfile::ReadFile;
pRWop->write = Pakfile::WriteFile;
pRWop->size = Pakfile::SizeFile;
pRWop->seek = Pakfile::SeekFile;
pRWop->close = Pakfile::CloseFile;
pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 = (void*) pRWopData;
return pRWop;
bool Pakfile::exists(const std::string& filename) const {
for(unsigned int i=0;i<fileEntries.size();i++) {
if(filename == fileEntries[i].filename) {
return true;
return false;
size_t Pakfile::ReadFile(SDL_RWops* pRWop, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n) {
if((pRWop == nullptr) || (ptr == nullptr) || (pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 == nullptr)
|| (pRWop->type != PAKFILE_RWOP_TYPE)) {
return 0;
int bytes2read = size*n;
RWopData* pRWopData = static_cast<RWopData*>(pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1);
Pakfile* pPakfile = pRWopData->curPakfile;
if(pPakfile == nullptr) {
return 0;
if(pRWopData->fileIndex >= pPakfile->fileEntries.size()) {
return 0;
uint32_t readstartoffset = pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].startOffset + pRWopData->fileOffset;
if(readstartoffset > pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset) {
return 0;
if(readstartoffset + bytes2read > pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset) {
bytes2read = pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset + 1 - readstartoffset;
// round to last full block
bytes2read /= size;
bytes2read *= size;
if(bytes2read == 0) {
return 0;
if(SDL_RWseek(pPakfile->fPakFile,readstartoffset,SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return 0;
if(SDL_RWread(pPakfile->fPakFile,ptr,bytes2read,1) != 1) {
return 0;
pRWopData->fileOffset += bytes2read;
return bytes2read/size;
size_t Pakfile::WriteFile(SDL_RWops *pRWop, const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n) {
return 0;
Sint64 Pakfile::SizeFile(SDL_RWops *pRWop) {
if((pRWop == nullptr) || (pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 == nullptr)
|| (pRWop->type != PAKFILE_RWOP_TYPE)) {
return -1;
RWopData* pRWopData = static_cast<RWopData*>(pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1);
Pakfile* pPakfile = pRWopData->curPakfile;
if(pPakfile == nullptr) {
return -1;
if(pRWopData->fileIndex >= pPakfile->fileEntries.size()) {
return -1;
return static_cast<Sint64>(pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset - pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].startOffset + 1);
Sint64 Pakfile::SeekFile(SDL_RWops *pRWop, Sint64 offset, int whence) {
if((pRWop == nullptr) || (pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 == nullptr)
|| (pRWop->type != PAKFILE_RWOP_TYPE)) {
return -1;
RWopData* pRWopData = static_cast<RWopData*>(pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1);
Pakfile* pPakfile = pRWopData->curPakfile;
if(pPakfile == nullptr) {
return -1;
if(pRWopData->fileIndex >= pPakfile->fileEntries.size()) {
return -1;
Sint64 newOffset;
switch(whence) {
case SEEK_SET:
newOffset = offset;
} break;
case SEEK_CUR:
newOffset = pRWopData->fileOffset + offset;
} break;
case SEEK_END:
newOffset = pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset - pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].startOffset + 1 + offset;
} break;
return -1;
} break;
if(newOffset > (pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].endOffset - pPakfile->fileEntries[pRWopData->fileIndex].startOffset + 1)) {
return -1;
pRWopData->fileOffset = static_cast<size_t>(newOffset);
return newOffset;
int Pakfile::CloseFile(SDL_RWops *pRWop) {
if((pRWop == nullptr) || (pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 == nullptr)
|| (pRWop->type != PAKFILE_RWOP_TYPE)) {
return -1;
RWopData* pRWopData = static_cast<RWopData*>(pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1);
delete pRWopData;
pRWop->hidden.unknown.data1 = nullptr;
return 0;
void Pakfile::readIndex()
while(1) {
PakFileEntry newEntry;
if(SDL_RWread(fPakFile,(void*) &newEntry.startOffset, sizeof(newEntry.startOffset), 1) != 1) {
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::readIndex(): SDL_RWread() failed!");
//pak-files are always little endian encoded
newEntry.startOffset = SDL_SwapLE32(newEntry.startOffset);
if(newEntry.startOffset == 0) {
while(1) {
char tmp;
if(SDL_RWread(fPakFile,&tmp,1,1) != 1) {
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::readIndex(): SDL_RWread() failed!");
if(tmp == '\0') {
} else {
newEntry.filename += tmp;
if(fileEntries.empty() == false) {
fileEntries.back().endOffset = newEntry.startOffset - 1;
Sint64 filesize = SDL_RWsize(fPakFile);
if(filesize < 0) {
THROW(std::runtime_error, "Pakfile::readIndex(): SDL_RWsize() failed!");
fileEntries.back().endOffset = static_cast<size_t>(filesize) - 1;